Happy Winter Solstice! The sun is entering Capricorn Season. This energy is serious ,hardworking, ambitious disciplined, traditional, conservative, authoritative, and persevering. When I think of Capricorn , I visual the goat , who can travel miles and endure some of the roughest climbs to achieve excellence. In seeking excellence Capricorn often becomes the workaholic ,who seeks status and achievement at all cost. In Astrology, Capricorn represents the father, the patriarchy. The Collective conscience has had enough corruption in the Systems patriarchy. The people will not be controlled. The abuse of wealth and power has affected the collective. We are entering the new paradigm of individuality, spirituality, equality, justice and all lives matter. We are Redefining and refining our beliefs about ourselves and others. Rainbow will be the new color. Love will be the number one race. Will humanity rise to such a vibration?
In the sky, this alignment of the plants Jupiter and Saturn are rare. This will be a time of significant change, perhaps a marker in your life. Saturn Just moved into Aquarius and is holding hands with Jupiter. Jupiter energy is expansive, optimistic ,spirited ,inspiring and philosophical. Spiritual self-regeneration is possible with this conjunction. We are revolutionizing the idea of "normal". What is normal anyway? Aquarius energy is about freedom, renaissance , the people....humanity!! Will we get more radical or will we unify? What have you changed in your life to feel more free, versatile and connected? Old habits of security will perish. The new discovered freedom will be important. Astrology, telepathy, liberty, spirituality, cyberspace, technology, communication, financial system and banks will be trending.
Blessings ,M.A.D.
