The Sun is Pisces and the Moon is in Virgo creating this super full moon.
This is a time when we must see things for what or who they are. Its about endings and new beginnings possible in work or in relationships. I think about the Serenity Prayer as I write this "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."
Virgo embodies the traits of earth; grounding, manifesting, our daily habits and routines, she is about detail, nutrition, purity, health, finances and service to others. She is teaching us about the practical world, teaching us thankfulness and gratefulness thru hard work.
Is there some bad habits you need to let go of? Is there new habits you want to start? A time to set new boundaries. Now is the time to plant your seed, your intentions.
Pisces embodies the element of water; flowing, loving, feeling, dreams, mysticism, music, art, fantasy, spirituality and other worlds. Together they create a bridge between the practical world and the spiritual world , asking us to deepen our awareness of what we need to let go of in order to evolve our physical body, emotional body, mental body and spiritual body. Pisces loves to escape . Is there an addiction you must free yourself of?
Now is the time because the universe is supporting you. Center yourself!! GIve thanks to the higher spirit whomever that is for you.
There is a spiritual and supportive tone to this energy, perhaps cultivating, clarifying and deepening our relationship with ourselves. To practice self love, self worth and self acceptance because there is no escaping ourselves.XOXO